Thursday, July 22, 2004

Just a Quick Note... (right.)

I've been speaking with community groups about the idea that there should be alternatives to the War on Terror so that we can have a positive goal to work toward as a civilization rather than glumly accepting unending warfare.

We need to work toward Something Better, otherwise, we will start regressing. That process is already starting to take form as violence spirals, civil liberties are infringed, poverty advances as opportunity retreats.

As a civilization, we need a positive set of ideas to work toward so that we can give our children a better world than we were given.

We must get people thinking about a positive vision in place of the negative outlook of the War on Terror.

We are failing to do this, which is why we need to promote and spread positive ideas like Restraint, Cooperation, and Outreach.

If we don't make a positive choice, our generation will be seen by history as one that failed to stand up for Justice, Democracy, and Peace.

We must be bold and act for what we know is the right thing to do.

Drop me a line at the email adress at the top.



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